So it's official, my little baby is two years olds. Guh, the time flies. 2 years makes her an official toddler right??? I refuse. She's still my baby and will be until I have another one. Which wont be for quite some time, in case any of you are wondering.
Her actual birthday was Saturday, but we celebrated on Sunday evening. Like I said I try to keep it simple and low key for now. So, sorry to anyone who didn't get invited, it was just family. You can thank me later ;)
Okay, so THIS is when you see how realistic my blog is. First of all, my cake DID NOT turn out AT ALL how it was supposed to. I found this adorable puppy cake online that I thought would be "so easy". Let me just say, that last year, working with fondant, WAY EASIER! And maybe I just didn't give myself enough time because I thought it was going to be so easy. I did feel rushed and tried to take short cuts that resulted in what I thought was a catastrophe.
Everybody said it was adorable (I mean what else would they say) and that it tasted good.
Of course THIS girl loved it.... I mean she's a sugar addict so I knew I could count on her. =)
But I just was, a lot, disappointed. However, Ryann was still able to identify what it was and that made me happy. (Not that it's all about me or anything)

The dresses were definitely the hit of the party. The girls looked sooooo pretty in them. I thought the hot glue was going to hold Ryann's wooden puppy dog on but 15 minutes before everyone was supposed to be there it fell off so we resorted to Guerilla Glue.
Which is supposed to be "faster, stronger!" Ehh.... not so much. Ryann was in her Birthday Suit the first 20 minutes of the party while Jason had the blow dryer to the dog and dress to get it to dry on. Woo Hoo!
Anyway, on with the party. It was a super fun family gathering. I enjoyed all our company and Ryann recieved some very sweet gifts. My favorite was her elephant pj's Aunt Karen bought her. But HER favorite was probably the birthday cake candle counter that Uncle Mike got her. She can blow out candles and pretend it's her birthday all year round. How cool is that?!
It did turn out to be a pretty splendid 2 year old party. I have been thanking God for these 2 wonderful years with this wonderful little girl. She's just awesome!

I "luuhboooo" Ryann. ;)
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