Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fun with food coloring

So lately I've been trying REALLY hard to get creative with the girls. Since I started this "Pre K homeschooling" (thanks to a blogger I follow and all her postings) I've been trying my hardest to think outside the box (and the house!).

I have learned that once you step into the "creative realm" it really does come easier to you. I never considered myself to be artsy or crafty or anything like that but I really think I'm getting there. And the girls are liking our little "projects" and I'm not gonna lie, its been kind of fun for me too. Which is just great because I want to be involved and investing in my children's lives. Not that I feel like I wasn't before but I just know this is (next to being a wife) the most important role God has called me to. And I want to glorify Him by loving my children the way he wants me to. It may seem silly, to some, that sitting down and coloring with your children or reading with them, or getting a bit more crafty then you've ever thought you could, is important to Him but it is! So, for His glory...... playing with food coloring =)
I read online that you can buy white carnations, put them in water, dye the water with food coloring, and the flowers will soak up the water and turn to that color. I thought this would be a fun way to incorporate learning colors with the girls lesson. And they just loved the whole process of going and buying the flowers, dyeing the water, and now waiting and watching for the flowers to change colors.
Micaila picked Green, because it's our color for the week, and then Ryann picked Blue and I picked Yellow. Unfortunately, the green is not having great results.... But here is the blue. You can see the little bits of blue on the outer edges.
The yellow has been the most successful and I think it's because I had it in a vase where the water came up very high on the stem. I'm assuming it must have been able to soak it up faster to the petals being closer to the petals???

Anyway, if you want to try it I recommend cutting the stems shorter and filling the vase up full with food coloring and water. It might work faster that way. =) It's super fun though and kinda pretty too!


Unknown said...

I love this! I bet the girls had a great time! I love that you're playing with food coloring "for His glory"!! Love you girl!

Anonymous said...

I am so doing this!