Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Power of prayer: We're moving!!!!

It's been a little while since I've been able to sit down and blog. A lot has been going on. A lot that I want to share at some point in the near future. But the biggest news is that this past weekend Jason and I bought a house. But let me give you a bit more back story to this miraculous decision.

I had previously shared with you that we were considering moving to GA. Since that blog we have visited a total of 3 times. We've looked at a TON of houses. Our first and second trips we came close to, but left with out having a contract on one. I was extremely sad and frustrated to say the least. But I kept being reminded that God is in control and His timing is perfect.

I feel like I often will say that "God is in control" and still not really believe it. It's something that I definitely have learned I have to tell myself over and over and than the more I remind myself of it the more I recognize He really IS in control. Of EVERYTHING. He was in control of what houses came on the market and which one's went off the market before we could even look at them. He is in control of my husband who ultimately has the final say so on whatever house we like. Every time I started to feel like we weren't doing something right, or didn't get back up to GA fast enough, I remembered, "No, God is in control and that was His way of showing us that that particular house is not where He wants us."

So I've learned through this whole process that I CAN trust Him, He IS in control, He DOES love me and He absolutely has my (and my families) best interest.

So this past weekend Jason and I headed back up to Dallas, Ga. Jason kept saying he was really "feeling it!" and this time we were gonna buy a house. And though I have learned to trust God more, I still operate from a glass half empty stand point, (I think it's a way of protecting myself or something) so I was already mentally and emotionally preparing myself to NOT find a house. You see the whole week prior Jason and I committed to pray together every night for God to reveal the house to us. But I started to think to myself, "You know, just because I'm praying it and Jason's praying it, that doesn't mean that God is going to answer with 'okay here's your house'. But that might be because it's still not His timing." And I wanted to be okay with that. I definitely did not want to find myself upset with God because He didn't answer my prayer the way I hoped and expected Him too. I trusted that even if we didn't find a house this time around, I was still going to praise God for being the wonderful, merciful, loving Father that He is.

The odds were against us this trip. We only had four houses lined up to see. Two of which we had already seen and one of which Jason absolutely did not like AT ALL. We looked at the first one and it was a cute house. Really great back yard with a view of the mountains. I liked the house and could totally have lived in it. Plus, I was trying to get over the materialism that I know I definitely struggle with. It wasn't as big or as nice as some of the homes we had seen before, but the price was definitely right and it met our needs. Then we looked at the second house. (I felt like I was on an episode of House Hunters) This house I had always loved from the beginning but it was totally out of our price range. Until we got there and it dropped by 20 thousand dollars! This house was in our cousins neighborhood which I found to be perfect. It didn't have a basement which Jason really was looking forward to having, but the house is undeniably gorgeous. We looked at two more homes that were farely inexpensive but one was on a horrible lot with a really steap driveway. Ryann would not survive that one.

I was nervous, Jason had always been so addiment about his price range. The house we loved the most was at the top of our budget. We went to take a 2nd look at the Crimson Drive home. The one in our cousins neighborhood. And then Jason said those magic words. "This is the one. This is definitely THE ONE." Of course I was trying to contain my excitement. After all this time we were getting the very house I dreamt about but didn't think was possible for us to get. Not only did God answer our prayer how we were hoping He would but, He gave me the "desires of my heart." (Psalm 37:4)

To top it all off, they accepted our offer and we had an answer back within an HOUR! We left this past trip with contracts signed and are now in the stages of closing.

This is truly a gift from God. I feel like this whole time He knew that it was important to me to be close to our family in GA. He knew more than both Jason and I how vital that is for us to have the support of our relatives close to us. And I think that's why He made this home in their neighborhood available to us. The waiting leading up to it was all about trusting Him. And He definitely proved to be Faithful. I hope that as we make this move into this house we will be able to glorify Him with the blessings He has given us. I pray that Jason and I will find ways in GA to be available for His work in advancing His kingdom. We still aren't completely sure why He is taking us there, but I am confident that He will reveal all of that in due time. I know this move isn't going to be a cake walk, but I also know that GOD IS IN CONTROL and I TRUST HIM =)

The New Graham House. On Crimson (Tide) Dr. ;) God has a sense of humor too! Roll Tide Roll! And Praise His name!


When 2 become 1 said...

I hate you and your house....kidding ;) I am so happy for you guys! I LOOOOVE your house!