Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Saaaaiiliiiing takes me awaaaay to where I 've always heard it could be.....

Friday night was an adventure for 4 friends. First, you can't start any adventure with out a good meal. And what better place to get one than...... (drum roll please...)

Mickey D's baby! Yum yum! I've never eaten anything containing so many empty calories.... seriously, I love me a good double cheese burger, but it's a bad sign when you are still hungry after one and a medium fry! Oh welllll..... we're off to set sail so who really cares anyway?

Me and my man. =) I LOVE this man!

I also am pretty fond of this gal too. Just come with please???

Here we go!!! It was pretty rough out on the water.... not like there was a tropical storm in the gulf or anything......

Weeeeee!!!! And no I did not photo shop us into this... it was just a crazy setting on my camera. Turned out pretty neat though!

That is one good lookin couple.... I don't know who's better lookin them or us.... ;)

I do know one thing...... "It's always better when we're togetherrrrr...." (Jack Johnson)

Taking the wheel... seeing what it's like to be a captain.

Oh crap! Heading into the "Perfect Storm"! Just kidding..... look how nonchalant Andrews parents are... lol I love it!

Wait who are these folks?? Well they happen to be my aunts and uncle actually. And in this same night of sailing we also went down to Ybor, yes!, Ybor and saw my cousin play in his band. We are so crazy!

Me and Kel!
Some hot dude....

Rock on Bobby! My cousin that we came to see =) Boy I'm really cheesin it here.
And I don't have any pictures but the night didn't end there. The 4 of us went to Grille 54 and got sushi and were out till 1 am!! We are just the craziest cats around. Can't remember the last time I was up that late let alone OUT that late. Good times, good memories, with good friends and family. I sure will miss this. =)


Unknown said...

I wish we could have all gone together but I'm so glad you all had fun!

Katie Graham said...

I knoooowwww! It definitely would have made the adventure that much more exciting had y'all been there. What needs to happen is y'all need to take a road trip adventure to visit us ;) so fun that will be!